Not Sure Which

Those close to me know I have been warning, for many years, of what is presently transpiring before our eyes in society.  That there was something moving far deeper than just the usual political morass seemed clear to me.  Much was afoot, but few knew or even seemed to care.

And I have written of it all many times, but in muted terms, or as one of my vocational persuasion might tend to do, in various and directed applications.  But when one with the  calmest of demeanors, and a genuinely devout man, puts it out there, so to speak, it quickly captures my attention.

True, I know of some brethren actively discussing matters on FB.  But I have, since day one, avoided that governmental data collection agency, just as I avoided the mindlessness of present-day phones, which mesmerize their objects of attention to a grossly unnatural degree, as they record everything.  For whom?  Merely “advertisers?”

I cannot be sure if we are watching the beginning of the end of the left, or its move toward a final ascendancy.  Better thinkers than I have their opinions out there for all to read – and from both sides.  Being an optimist by nature, I tend to think that is a good thing, but I cannot be sure with any certainty.  There is also a great amount of volatility as well, although most all of it seems to be manufactured and produced on call, and as another writer said – not nearly as large as we are being led to believe.

From the beginning, my concern has always been the One Holy Church and our ability to be about the task given us by the Lord to do.  It does seem in many ways, that said ability is being hindered, but I tend to see it a bit differently in that I think the premier “fault-line” of the commie left, is that as they seemingly ascend, they are likewise now fully exposing themselves for what they truly are.  That is not a profitable mix for “progress.”

On the other hand, I am also more than aware of the fragmentation of the Church, which seems to be progressing merrily along, gathering even more adherents from those once calling themselves faithful.  That is flowing directly from the societal upheavals, without question.

Toss a dime into a crowd, and 10 self-certified prognosticators will step forth and tell you what is and what is coming.  By faith, I know what is ultimately going to occur, but I am just as certain not one of us knows what will happen previous to that moment, except to say, prophetically speaking, it doesn’t appear ideal scenarios are in our immediate future.

In the end, it’s in the Lord’s hands.  Determining which way things turn is above my pay grade, to be sure.


I took notice that one of our Synodical colleges “lemminged” itself.  No real surprise – one paying attention could see it coming.  The only question is how long will it take Synod and the responsible officers to take the necessary steps in response?  This all should prove interesting.  I know there are similar rumblings at my own alma mater, which while somewhat distressing personally, is not unexpected either, given their neighbors across the street and all.  S2 will get that one!


On a far more positive note, what was a tragedy in its own right, is now becoming a bit-by-bit miracle.  Perseverance is a hallmark of the Faith.  Good to see!


Sudden spike in readers.  I never know why – since I garner few comments.  Then again, I don’t set out to do so – never have.  This is not a diary per se, but I do use it to express myself as needed.  Anyway – welcome to any visiting my humble joint.

With that, I am off yet again in search of my desire to write.  Lost it somewhere in the last weeks.  Happens.  Besides, the news of late has my attention in a big way.  Many Questions.  Answers slowly coming out.




Totally Bored!

With too much news.

On the politico-criminal front – there are scads (meaning many!) of things going on, and more in the offing quite soon, as in the immediate AM.  At once intriguing . . . and boring already.

On the theological front, things are just as numerous and fluid, if not moreso.

And I don’t care.  Not one whit.  I feel compelled to write about neither.  Have a “sermon” in process – but the reality of the last week outstripped the urge to address matters from the Lord’s perspective.  I am retired, after all, so it’s not like I gotta “get one out” by 8 am Sunday morning as I once did, sometimes without sleep.

I have just lost the urge to write.  Chalk it up to being numbed at the voluminosity of news floating around out there.  Said loss of desire may last for a week, or more, or less.  I never know.  My last piece (2nd below) was from almost 16 years ago.  Liked it then, and given the current state of matters, like it even more now.

I watch other sites literally flail away trying to “produce new news.”  Solomon once addressed that phenomenon.  Something about “nothing new” – and I am greatly inclined to give the old boy the nod on that count (I must, actually, given what I do and am).

I have, however, gotten into a number of “conversations” with those identifying as “conservatives” in recent days at various sites.  I have come to realize that a huge percentage of “conservatives” per se, would not know Russell “Mr. Mecosta” Kirk were he to slap them up side of the head with his “Conservative Theses,”  and no, I am not going to be bothered to link them for those too lazy to do the most simplistic of internet searches.  Why should I?  They are too lazy to even learn for themselves.  BTW – although I never met the man while alive, I lived not far from his home for a good while.  To watch today’s amateur conservatives shimmy and dance as though they have something “new” to say, is to betray their complete lack of conservative credentials.  They even lack the meaning of the word “conservative.”  Cardboard cut-outs.

And it is NOT my job to correct them.  Nor would I otherwise, because they are little different from their “almost cousins” on the commie left.  They most certainly don’t get that, as most do not get that.  Most who are identified as “conservative” have converged with those of the commie left, and are functionally useless.  The priceless few who are true, unreconstructed conservatives – are jewels.  Those folks I treasure and read with wild abandon.  Who are they?  Well – first – go and learn what a true conservative is!  Then, you will know them when you read them, or talk with them.  I am not going to do YOUR homework.

I do hold that the Donald is the last hope for a “Constitutional America.”  That becomes more and more evident with each passing day, and with every objection to the contrary from our dreary, ED-afflicted media.  I’ve seen firmer noodles in a can of Campbell’s “cooked into complete submission” Chicken Noodle Soup than in the American MSM.  They are little but gummint or deep-state sycophants with scripts in hand.  No longer is it merely “dems versus us.”  In a twist of Pogo’s observation – “We have met the enemy, and became them.”  Nothing more or less.  The media are/is (go figure that grammatical quagmire out for yourself) but one cut above hand puppets.  They do, after all, move on their own.

Isn’t that just so “speshul?!”

And if you perhaps find some news out of the ordinary – rest assured – you will be labeled a “conspiracy theorist” – thanks to the CIA’s coinage of the term, which is ironic beyond measure!  Fran discussed that kind of irony Sunday morning on a somewhat similar topic.  I can’t say I think at his level, and I dang sure don’t write at his level.  But we do mentally bump into each other often.  And I always get “the more” for the bump.

I have a friend who maintains I try to keep up with too much for too long.  I cannot dispute her constructive criticism.  But I have in the past confessed my addiction to “keeping on keeping on” tracking the news on both the political and theological fronts.  I suppose I live out Augustine’s “Two Cities/Two Kingdoms” in its fullest sense..  It is real, and it is tiresome beyond measure.

Whatever.  I am at once incredibly tired of it all, and yet, somehow energized by forcing myself to write of it.  Sweet Jesus, I am keyboard bi-polar.

On that thought, I am going to trot off to bed.  It’s late.


Falling in Love . . . Again!

Once you do, you can never go back to the past.

I liken it best to finally having been freed from a domineering shrew, and discovering the sweet intoxication of loving a woman to whom you wish to give your all, and who likewise, has an intensity and burning passion to give you all her treasures.

Once upon a time, she was the handmaiden of all. She was worshipped by all, and men far and wide lavished their affection upon this woman. She never wavered, and she freely loved back with an intensity that only grew with each new day. Being in her presence was like breathing fresh air, like having all the hopes and dreams of life placed at your doorstep–yours for the taking. Men spoke of her as if she were an ancient Goddess of ultimate beauty, and in truth, she was.

No one else could ever match her charms or favors. To those blessed to know her, life took on a new and wonderful meaning. There was nothing anyone would not do for her, and she stood naked and unashamed before all, and yet none felt any shame or embarrassment when gazing upon her wonderful form. The famous Venus d’ Milo or Helen of Troy were but mere shadows by comparison.

Yet, as there are men who are cads–adulterers of all that is sacrosanct in a relationship, so there arose the unfaithful, who claimed the Lady’s treasure as their own when it suited them, but who began secretly abusing her. She resisted, proud Lady that she is, but eventually, she was almost overcome entirely. Her beauty was no longer the object of desire, her plaintive plea for attention to those who once loved her, fell upon deaf ears. She was virtually put away, like those in previous ages who were involuntarily placed in a nunnery. She began fading from memories as the harlots with their lewd proposals lacking any substance or promise, drew the attention of all. Most did not bother to gaze upon her lovely features anymore. They simply forgot about the most beautiful woman of all.

Most, but not all. Some remembered. Others later discovered her incredible beauty, and were amazed and taken aback that such a woman could have been forgotten. They fell in love with her as had happened many years ago, and they cannot stop themselves from speaking of her and gazing upon her features. As any man in love, they could see nothing but perfection, except, she really is perfection. The few now enjoy her treasures, despite the difficulty of navigating through the trolling harlots on every street corner of life. Those who love her, see no woman but her now. They are in love for good. To know her is to love her.

The Lady’s name?


Good News?

Sports Fans –

I will always be glad for the “little victories along the way” so to speak.  But I also keep in mind always, as a theologian of decent rank, that the “political arena” – as in the theological arena” – is fraught with fake, “forced” compromises.

Exhibit A?  This excellent article.  It is well worth the read, and calls us to remember the need for vigilance on all fronts – theological, or as in this particular case, political.

It was news everywhere yesterday.  This bint’s reaction was so predictable as to be laughable – but it exemplifies precisely why I hold Kennedy merely “kicked the can down the road.”  Comments are all over, questioning how the 7-2 decision could be called “narrow.”  The answer is quite elementary, and can seen here in the words of Justice Kennedy (may he retire soon!), as I wrote in a post to a friend:


Under the court’s precedents, Kennedy pointed out, a business owner could in fact be forced to act against his religion but not because of state ‘hostility’ toward his religion.

Precisely what I said yesterday.  Kennedy did not rule in favor of the 1st Amendment.  But he goes on:

“The reason and motive for the baker’s refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions,” Kennedy said. “The Court’s precedents make clear that the baker, in his capac­ity as the owner of a business serving the public, might have his right to the free exercise of religion limited by generally applicable laws.

“Still, the delicate question of when the free exercise of his religion must yield to an otherwise valid exercise of state power needed to be de­termined in an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor in the balance the State sought to reach,” said Kennedy.

Catch that?  

“. . . de­termined in an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor in the balance the State sought to reach.”

It is not the issue of rights, but that, literally, the state acted mean and vindictive.  Had the state simply insisted without levying extra rulings and fines, Kennedy would have ruled against the Cake Baker.  So the case was NOT about the 1st Amendment as all the wagging tongues have said.  So there is no precedent being set.  Clarence Thomas, while voting with the majority, as did Gorsuch and Alito,  wrote a dissent arguing that the case be used as a 1st Amendment “precedent” – which would then reinforce the rights of all not to be forced by the state into doing something against their faith.  Alito and Gorsuch concurred with Thomas’ opinion.

The cake baker, essentially, got off on a technicality.  No precedent set; no real connection to the 1st Amendment.  Kennedy just slapped the hand of the Civil Rights Commission in Colorado and said – “You must be kinder and gentler as you deny a citizen his rights.”


It was a good day for cake baker Jack Phillips – no denying that.  But the actual reality of yesterday’s “decision” was SCOTUS issuing a ruling that actually had nothing whatsoever to do with the 1st Amendment and Freedom of Religion.  Quite the opposite – it cautioned the “state” against being too forceful or vindictive in dictating the demands of the state as the “state” eliminates a citizen’s right(s).  Thomas, with Gorsuch and Alito concurring, was correct in saying the case should set precedent.

It missed being a “Pyrrhic” victory only to the extent that Phillips was absolved in the end.  There is no other “victory” in any of it – most certainly not in favor of the 1st Amendment.


The ever-mystic “Q” – most often accused of LARPing, predicted  “4 Booms” this past Sunday.  I have followed his postings (not necessarily of the anons), for quite some time.  Q does not make the task of “getting it” difficult – it is difficult to get to begin with.

I have cautioned patience on every site I visit – but the knee-jerkers want Hillary’s head, or Sessions’ head.  They are, quite frankly, idiots.  As I survey the landscape, we have this one chance President Trump is trying to provide, to get matters done right.  That means air-tight cases – which we are beginning to see in the various plea-bargains and requests for immunity.  Yet there are those who still imagine themselves untouchable.  They always have been, they figure, and so things go on . . . until they can go on no longer.

This morning I posted a friend with the Q “Booms” as I saw them.  They are as follows:

This a certified “BOOM!”  The author of the piece follows  and shows how this one was predicted.

I am pretty sure the Awan Brothers/Wasserman Schultz deal – Awan’s took a plea deal was another BOOM.

McCabe asking for immunity to flip – he’s dead in the water, and he is a big fish – Comey, Hillary – and with that news, came this news.  Boom!

And I think that at the bottom of the first article up above – we may be seeing the 4th BOOM Q predicted.

Mrs. Feinstein.

And there was this sick shyte . . .

Sports Fans – things are happening we never imagined would ever happen in America.  I frankly do not care if you follow Q or not, or what you think of him.  All I know is I have been way ahead of the curve on just about everything.  Make of that what you will – I could care less.


Q makes no pretense, but to warn us of things we cannot imagine.  It is entirely our own call, and far too many choose to ignore what he says, while calling for the very same things he says are coming.  I find it hilariously sad.

There is a synchronicity to all that is happening.  And it is happening, with or without the opinions of those who act as though they know it all.  This most certainly is NOT business as usual, and those who act as though it is . . . their call.

If this week has not made matters clear, I do not know what to add.  It is what it is.  People choose to be ignorant until they cannot – but apparently, that is what it will take for most folks.

As my Good Buddy Seb always says – “Keep your head up!”
